To register:
1. - Make a deposit/transfer into the account IBAN ES02 2100 5462 27 02 000 27335 (La Caixa Bank. SWIFT Code: CAIXESBBXXX), indicating full name, title of the course and / or module, or ask us to pay by PAYPAL (not require you to have a PayPal account).
2. - Write an email to Ana Cañete: indicating the course you wish to enroll attaching a copy of the payment receipt and your name and phone.
Once we receive your email we will send you your passwords to the e-learning platform.
After completing the course Ingnova Academy issues a Certificate of Achievement course which includes the agenda and duration.
HEC-RAS Basic Course: 120 USD
HEC-RAS Module 1: 100 USD
HEC-RAS BC + M1: 180 USD
Registration: Open
Section updated on September, 2014